Malta – The Don Bosco Oratory celebrates 90 years

08 April 2024

Victoria, Malta – April 2024 – Sunday 7 April, on the occasion of the Feast of Divine Mercy, the Don Bosco Oratory on Gozo, Malta, celebrated the 90th anniversary of the first oratory that came from a small Salesian house in Victoria. On the same day that Don Bosco was canonised in Rome, on 1 April1 1934, on the island of Gozo, Fr Paul Micallef and Fr Joseph Spiteri gave life to what would become the Don Bosco Oratory. The Salesians then left the island in 1965, but the oratory still remains a Salesian presence, currently led by a Director of the Diocese of Gozo and supported by the Past Pupils of Don Bosco. For the 90th anniversary, Fr Carmel Mercieca celebrated a solemn Mass in the chapel of the oratory, in the presence of numerous former students. Fr Mercieca launched a heartfelt appeal to continue Don Bosco's mission, to save the souls of young people. The Past Pupils Association and Friends of Don Bosco has also organised a photographic exhibition to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Don Bosco oratory, collecting ancient images and artifacts on the Canonisation of Don Bosco. For the occasion, the President of the World Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco, Bryan Magro, was present, sharing this moment of joy and commemoration with all those who gathered for this special occasion. 


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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