Spain - A wide-ranging Provincial Chapter that "dreams" in a big way
Benicasi, Spain – April 2024 - The intense final section of the second session of the Provincial Chapter of Spain's Mary Help of Christians Province (SMX) took place on 4 April. The contributions of the groups were presented in the Chapter assembly after the work carried out on the Provincial's report, focused on "Let's dream together of our Province. Faithful to reality, to the voice of the Holy Spirit and to our charismatic identity." Along these lines, the young Salesians and those in formation presented to the participants which Province they dream of, with its challenges and opportunities, after a work of reflection carried out by about fifteen of them. Subsequently, the two representatives of the SMX Province and their substitutes were elected to the GC29. Through the website and intranet of the CI24 of the SMX Province, presented by the Moderator, Fr Miguel Ángel Álvarez, the Chapter members voted by electing Fr Jordi Lleixà, Provincial Delegate for Youth Ministry, and Fr José Luis Navarro, Vice-Provincial, who accepted the nomination at the request of the Moderator. In the final stage, a vote was taken to approve the contributions that the Mary Help of Christians Province will make to GC29 in the three core areas. In the concluding Eucharist Fr Fernando Miranda, SMX Provincial, thanked the Salesians and the laity for the work done in this Easter season.
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