Mexico – Curatorium of the Salesian Theologate, Tlaquepaque
Tlaquepaque, Mexico – February 2024 – The Curatorium of the Salesian Theologate in Tlaquepaque, a formation centre for Salesians aspiring to the priesthood, was held on Saturday, 24 February. The meeting was chaired by Fr Filiberto González, Superior of the Mexico-Guadalajara Province (MEG), accompanied by Fr Guido Errico, from the Formation Sector at Salesian Headquarters in Rome. Present: Fr Melchor Trinidad, Provincial of the United States West (SUO); Fr Dominic Tran Danh Cong, Provincial of the United States East and Canada (SUE); Fr. Morachel Bonhomme, Superior of the Vice-Province of Haiti (HAI); Fr Ignacio Ocampo, Provincial of Mexico-Mexico (MEM) and Fr Carlos Nabel García Capellán, Vice-Provincial of the Province of the Antilles (ANT). In addition, also involved was the Theologate community and the Vice-Provincials and Economers of the two Provinces of Mexico. During the meeting, the house's Community Life Project, the academic report of the Salesian Higher Institute (ISS) and various reports on the journey of the community were evaluated.
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