Vatican - Pope invites children to teach world through their joy and purity
Vatican City – November 2023 – Yesterday, 6 November the Paul VI Hall welcomed about 7,500 children from all five continents who arrived to meet Pope Francis as part of the event sponsored by the Dicastery for Culture and Education entitled “Children meet the Pope”. After the initial greeting by Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, Prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education, and a performance by singer Mr. Rain, the children welcomed the Holy Father in an atmosphere of great joy. The Pontiff, responding to the children’s questions, addressed delicate issues such as peace and the care of the planet. Pope Francis involved all those present, inviting them to join in praying the Our Father, followed by a minute of silence for the victims of conflict. The event then ended on the notes of the famous song "We are the world" and with a choreography with the globes that were raised to symbolise the land that everyone, starting from the youngest, must take care of.
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