Italy - "He sees further than you" is the title of the new Single track by the Sicilian SYM group: 'DBsons'
Catania, Italy - October 2023 - "Lui vede più lontano di te" ("He sees further than you") is the title of the new single track launched on the occasion of the Giò Beach Party, the inauguration party for the new Salesian pastoral year 2023-2024, organized on 24 September at the Playa in Catania. The song was composed and set to music by the 'DBsons', a musical group of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) of Sicily, born from the initiative of two young Salesians, Fr Emanuele Geraci and Fr Giuseppe Priolo. The two Salesians have always believed in the communicative power of music as a means of talking about God and making Him present among young people. The new single is built on this year's pastoral theme 'You see further than me. Signposts to dream again', inspired by Don Bosco's '9-year Dream', which will celebrate its second centenary in 2024. The piece can be heard on the YouTube channel:
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