Italy – 33rd ADMA's Marian Day. Theme: "Education as Vocation and Mission"
Turin, Italy - October 2023 - On the 8th of October the 33rd Marian Day took place, on the theme "Education as Vocation and Mission" in which the members of the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA) Primary in Turin participated along with a large group of associates from Arese and Liguria regions. The day began with an animation led by Fr Enrico Stasi, who took up Don Bosco's "Dream at the age of 9" emphasizing among other things how the "courtyard" is still a privileged place of encounter between young people and God. This was followed by a time of prayer and personal reflection and the recitation of the Rosary in the courtyard of Valdocco. All the new aspiring members were presented, followed by testimonies of faith from some of them, who generously shared their journey of discernment with the participants. The day ended with the celebration of the Eucharist, presided by Fr Enrico Stasi and concelebrated by Fr Roberto Carelli and Fr Alejandro Guevara Rodríguez, ADMA's World Spiritual Animator, during which 23 people professed their commitment to join the Association.
- Italy – 1869 - 18 April - 2024: ADMA celebrates its 155th anniversary by contemplating the role of Mary in Don Bosco's Dream at Nine Years of Age
- Italy – First day of recollection by the new Primary ADMA Spiritual Animator Fr Gabriel Cruz
- RMG – Change in ADMA's Spiritual Animation service. Fr Gabriel Cruz new Animator of the Primary ADMA
- Italy - The Councillor for the Mediterranean Region presides over the Eucharistic celebration at the conclusion of the centenary year at the Crocetta
- Italy - Hundreds of young people at the SYM DAY in Valdocco
- Italy - Hundreds of young people at the Colle Don Bosco Savio Club: in search of the secret of Dominic Savio's holiness
- Italy – Presentation to the World Advisory Council – the 9th Congress of Mary Help of Christians in Fatima