Costa Rica - Rectors Meeting in the Salesian Province of Central America

09 October 2023

Heredia, Costa Rica - October 2023 - A meeting of the Rectors from the Salesian Province of Central America (CAM) was held from 3 to 5 October, at the San Benito Spirituality Centre. The aim was to share and work on the Salesian Overall Province Plan (OPP) and the priority elements of the six-year period such as ecology, affective and vocational education. Fr Julio Navarro, CAM Provincial, addressed the participants with a few words as a preamble to the presentation of the OPP 2023-2028, where he emphasised the importance of the Rectors and Council as the primary executors of the project. Bro. Christian Jiménez presented the general outline at the launch of the OPP, an event that will then be replicated in all Central American countries. On the second day, Fr Juan Gabriel Romero developed the theme "A youth pastoral ministry that educates to love", and Fr Marcelo Navarrete presented a look at the vocational animation of the Province and the 2023-2024 Vocations Campaign. At the end of the day, the Provincial and his Council shared plans for work in 2024 and promoted discussion among the rectors of Salesian works. The meeting concluded with a fraternal exchange on the theme "Don Bosco's Salesians on the road to a sustainable world, from the perspective of ecology", by Fr Romero.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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