Spain - Bosco Global: Looking back, recognising ourselves in the present and dreaming together about the future
Barcelona, Spain - September 2023 - The technical team of "Bosco Global", which brings together all the NGOs of the Salesian Province of Maria Ausiliatrice (SMX), Spain met from 26 to 28 September in the Salesian Institution of Martí-Codolar, in Barcelona, with the main objective of connecting as a team, living together, dialoguing and projecting energies and actions to continue transforming the world through education. In order to move forward, it is essential to recognise each other as subjects capable of promoting change, at a personal level but also at a group level, and one of the focuses of the dynamics of the meeting was the 'thread of time', which allowed them to reflect on the historical milestones of the NGO from its birth, including the unification of 'Solidaridad Don Bosco' and 'VOLS- Voluntariat Solidari', to the present moment, and dream together about the future. The 'Bosco Global' meeting gave a lot, from the more technical sessions to the more strategic ones, with ample space to strengthen group coexistence and promote cohesion as an entity. The meeting was also attended by Fr Jordi Lleixà, Delegate for Youth Ministry of the SMX Province and Vice-President of Bosco Global, who thanked the technical staff for their commitment and dedication, and presented the provincial motto: 'There is a dream for you', in which he emphasized the need to continue to put our hearts, but also our heads, into realising Don Bosco's dream in the world.
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