Chennai, India - September 2023 - To equip students with the skills and knowledge essential for success in the modern job market, Don Bosco Arts and Science College and SIGA Polytechnic College, Chennai, launched the IBM Skills Build Programme on September 15. The programme was hosted for the third consecutive year. The event was graced by Father John Alexander SDB, the Vice-Provincial of Chennai, as the chief guest. Fr. Joseph Leo, SDB, the Director of SURABI, ensured the successful execution of the programme. Representing IBM, Mr Vijaya Prakash and Mr Lawrie Colaco shared a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the technology and skills development domain.The Consultant of REACHA, a key collaborator, also joined the distinguished panel of guests. The event saw the presence of several other notable individuals who have made significant contributions to the educational and social development sectors. Dr. Xavier, the Principal of Don Bosco Arts and Science College, and Fr. Sagayaraj Kasi, the Vice Principal, were the coordinators of the programme. Fr. Joe Anand SDB, Fr. Charles Leo SDB (Vice Principal of SIGA), Fr. Sunderdoss, Fr. John Joseph SDB, and Sr. Isbell FMA, added their valuable insights and support to the event, emphasizing its importance in the context of student development.
The event began with a warm welcome by Fr. Sagayaraj, setting a positive tone for the gathering. Fr. Leo Joseph then took the stage to delve into the "4 why" reasons, elucidating the profound significance of students' active participation in the IBM Skills Build Programme. He emphasized the need for students to cultivate a deep understanding of why they are pursuing specific skills, thereby instilling a sense of purpose and direction in their educational journey. The highlight of the event was the inspiring speech delivered by Fr. John Alexander. His wisdom and insights underlined the importance of competency development, skill honing, and staying updated with current employability trends.The event serves as a beacon of hope, signalling the way forward in education and employability. Don Bosco Arts and Science College and SIGA Polytechnic College, along with IBM and SURABI, have once again demonstrated their dedication to fostering a brighter future for their students and society.