Italy - Day for Councils of School-based Educative and Pastoral Communities: "Poor and Abandoned Youth: Educational and Didactic Challenges"

12 September 2023

Treviglio, Italy - September 2023 - On 5 September at the Salesian Don Bosco Centre, the day for Councils of Schools-based Educative and PaAstoral Communities (EPCs), Vocational Education and Training (IeFP) and Higher Technical Institutes (ITS) was celebrated, bringing together 250 rectors, headmasters, vice-principals, catechists and councillors and other figures who animate Salesian schools in the Lombardo-Emilian Province in Italy (ILE). Fr Roberto Dal Molin, ILE Provincial, introduced the day with an address in which he recalled that the EPC councils are a choice that implements the perspective of synodality and fraternity. This pastoral year, moreover, the Provincial said, marks the 200th anniversary of the dream at nine years of age which thus invites us to 'stop to form ourselves', and reflect on the charism. To this end, Fr Dal Molin added, the Workbook 'You see further than Me' was distributed, so that the Salesian charism may be increasingly rooted and consciously taken on as a guiding criterion for our work. Fr Stefano Pegorin, SDB, the rector of the Salesian house in Santa Maria La Longa, near Udine, then spoke, and gave a testimony highlighting three main themes: passion for education; poor and abandoned young people; the educational pact. Then, during the celebration of the Mass, Fr Dal Molin invoked two special gifts: Listening to what the Lord has to say and knowing how to speak authentic words. Finally, in the afternoon, in-depth group work on the topics discussed took place, with addresses by Fr Edoardo Gnocchini, Provincial Delegate for Youth Ministry, and Fr Stefano Mascazzini.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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