Italy - Young Salesians in formation for perpetual profession

08 September 2023

Messina, Italy - September 2023 - To be Don Bosco today, forever. To prepare to say yes to this dream of God on their lives, thirty-seven young Salesians in initial formation met at the St Thomas Institute in Messina from 2 to 7 September. Coming from the different houses in Italy where they are now in formation, but representing the most diverse nationalities, they were brought back into contact with the roots of Salesian consecration, in view of the important step which will be perpetual profession. The meetings were led by the Provincial of Sicily (ISI), Fr Giovanni D'Andrea, the Provincial Delegate for Youth Ministry Fr Alberto Anzalone and the Rector of the house Fr Giuseppe Cassaro. What does it mean to live the evangelical counsels as Salesians? What is the style of our fraternal life? How do we think about the youth mission in today's world? What is, at root, the identity of the Salesian of Don Bosco? These are the questions that animated the moments of reflection: a precious opportunity to be able to return to the Salesian Constitutions and to reread these first years of consecration. These days were also a special gift for enjoying extended times of friendship and acquaintance, appreciating the beauty of diversity and enriching each other's experiences. The concluding recollection, conducted by the Vice-Provincial, Fr Franco Di Natale, was intended to be a stimulus for the young Salesians in initial formation to live this year of preparation for perpetual profession to the full, handing themselves over to God, who can do everything, so that he may do great things.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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