Myanmar - Conclusion of the extraordinary visit of Fr Joseph Nguyen Thinh Phuoc to Myanmar
Anisakan, Myanmar - August 2023 - The extraordinary visit of Fr Joseph Nguyen Thinh Phuoc, Regional Councillor for East Asia-Oceania, to Myanmar, began on 26 July, and ended on 17 August. During these weeks, the Regional Councillor visited all the communities, meeting, talking and listening to the confreres, young people, past pupils, students and members of the Salesian Family, despite the difficult situation in the country. On the evening of 15 August, in particular, the confreres gathered in the Provincial House to listen to his concluding words and message. Also present for the occasion was Fr Bosco Nyi Nyi, Superior of the Myanmar "Mary Help of Christians" Visitation (MYM), who thanked the Regional Councillor for his closeness and concern towards the province. Afterwards, the young people of the post-novitiate sang a song of thanksgiving. The following day, a feast and conviviality was organized to celebrate Don Bosco's birthday, in the presence of Salesians, FMA, Past Pupils and young people. At the end of the concluding Mass, Fr Phuoc assured prayers for Myanmar and the closeness of the Rector Major.
- Myanmar – Presentation of the 2024 Strenna of the Rector Major in the MYM Vice-Province
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- Myanmar – A seminar on the Salesian Brothers vocation on the occasion of the feast of Saint Artemides Zatti
- Myanmar – Social Communication meeting focused on media awareness
- Myanmar - Seminar on "Strengthening Christian Families"
- Myanmar – The Myanmar Vice-Province hosts the monthly retreat for religious from different Congregations
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- Myanmar – First profession of five young Salesians
- Myanmar - Five Salesian pre-novices admitted to novitiate year
- Myanmar - 9 Young Salesians renew the religious vows in Myanmar