Slovenia - Day of solidarity for the population affected by the violent storms
Mozirje, Slovenia - August 2023 - At the beginning of August, Slovenia was hit by a violent thunderstorm, with torrential rain, flooding and mudslides, which affected more than half of the country. More than 4,000 houses were damaged or destroyed. The Salesians' response was immediate, through the 'Don Bosco' Foundation, which is collecting aid for the affected families. The Slovenian government declared 14 August as a 'Day of Solidarity', an opportunity to help those who have suffered the most serious damage. The appeal was answered by 30,000 volunteers, including various groups from Salesian works. As a result, on 14 August, the group of adult scouts from the Salesian parish of Cerknica, together with Fr Marko Košnik, Superior of the SLO Province, and Mr Janez Krnc, SDB, Provincial Bursar, helped in Mozirje, one of the worst damaged villages in the Savinja valley.
- Slovenia – Salesians celebrate the 27th Provincial Chapter
- Slovenia - Meeting of Salesian Brothers from Sts Cyril and Methodius Province
- Slovenia - A video of the song "Praise" by the Salesian High School choir from Želimlje
- Slovenia - The 2023 Summer Oratories took place in 300 parishes and involved 22,000 young people and 7,000 animators
- Slovenia - Beginning of the Extraordinary Visitation of Fr Roman Jachimowicz to the Province of Saints Cyril and Methodius (SLO)
- Slovenia - Meeting of young Salesians in initial formation and missionaries
- Slovenia – “Savio Kamp” comes to an end
- Slovenia – Translation of Biographical Memoirs of St John Bosco into Slovenian completed
- Slovenia – Annual meeting of Past Pupils of Don Bosco
- Slovenia - Feast of St. Domenico Savio in parish of Mary Help of Christians in Ljubljana-Rakovnik