Lithuania – 33rd International Suwałki - Vilnius Pilgrimage

26 July 2023

Vilnius, Lithuania – July 2023 - On Monday morning, 24 July, the participants of the 33rd Suwałki - Vilnius International Pilgrimage arrived before Our Lady of Mercy in Vilnius. The pilgrims, 524 people divided into 6 groups, together with about 30 priests and sisters, left on Saturday, 15 July from the Salesian parish of Our Lady of Mercy in Suwałki, Poland. During these days, they travelled 260 kilometres to Vilnius, Lithuania. The climax of the pilgrimage was reached with the celebration of the community Mass before the miraculous image of Our Lady of Mercy, celebrated by the auxiliary bishop of Elk, Bishop Dariusz Zalewski, and concelebrated by the Superior of the Salesian Province of Poland-Warsaw (PLE) Fr Tadeusz Jarecki. The Salesians from Warsaw Province have been responsible for the organisation of the pilgrimage since its inception in 1991. This year the motto of the pilgrimage was: 'He who sows in tears will reap in joy'.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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