DR Congo – Intense humanitarian activities by Salesians in Goma Don Bosco Shasha centre for displaced persons
Shasha, DR Congo – June 2023 - During June 2023, the Salesian Coordination of the AFC-EST Internally Displaced Persons Emergency has diversified its humanitarian interventions at the Don Bosco Shasha IDP site. Since the beginning of the month, more than 500 children under the age of five and their carers (parents and sisters) have been receiving concentrated cereal porridge every day; 36 children under the age of five in a situation of severe acute malnutrition benefit from a substantial meal in addition to the daily porridge. On 24 June 2023, 500 most vulnerable families (people with disabilities, the elderly, pregnant and breastfeeding women and heads of large families) received food assistance: maize flour, beans, vegetable oil, salt and even soap. The emergency coordinator in AFC-EST, Fr Carlos Balezi, SDB, said that Salesian assistance to the IDPs at this site was possible in close collaboration with VIS NGO, with the support of their partners and the Salesian Mission Offices in Bonn, Madrid, Turin and New Rochelle, among others. The team in charge of field activities led by Salesian Brother Augustin Mupoyi carried out a malnutrition screening and de-worming of 271 children, including 161 girls from the Don Bosco Shasha site. Severe acute malnutrition is a clear public health problem especially among displaced people, weaned children, and pregnant and lactating women, said Fr Kizito Tembo, SDB, Salesian Community Leader in Shasha. His concern is that ,420 families are affected by this problem given that the precarious situation of the displaced people in this camp is not on the official lists.
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