Venezuela – More than 150 young people participate in the SYM Leaders National Meeting
Duaca, Venezuela – June 2023 – The Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) National Leaders Meeting in the Salesian Province of Venezuela (VEN) took place from 9 to 11 June at the St Dominic Savio Youth Centre in Duaca. Over 150 young people had a Salesian experience of reflection, prayer and encounter with Jesus. The event was organised by the Salesian Commission for Oratories and Youth Centres, and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and Salesian Cooperators. The aim was to bring the leaders together in a fraternal atmosphere, to continue growing in Salesian identity and youthful commitment. The reflection on SYM identity, the dreams and the challenges of youth, helped the participants to examine the meaning of their Salesian leadership in depth. In addition, the motto for the Festive Oratories was chosen; some directives were given for the National Campo Bosco that will take place next August; and four leaders were chosen who will be part of the support team of the Commission for Oratories and Youth Centres.
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