The gathering started with a talk by Fr Mitsugi Joseph Matsuo, SDB, developing an awareness of the early missionaries in Japan during Meiji period about Don Bosco's work in Valdocco. It was an intriguing undertaking to note the letter addressed to Don Bosco sent by Mother Mathilde Raclot, a French Catholic nun and missionary from the Sisters of the Infant Jesus who came to Japan as a missionary in 1872 after having been in Malaysia and Singapore for her missionary assignments. It brought a significant historical perspective to realise that as early as the 1870s, the Salesian collaboration was requested to open educational settings for the young people of Japan. However, this request was humbly denied because at the time, the Salesian Missions gave priority to the endeavours in South America, especially in Patagonia.
History has it that the first arrival of the Salesians in Japan was on 8 February, 1926, led by Venerable Fr Vincenzo Cimatti, SDB, about fifty years after the first Salesian Missionary Expedition to Patagonia. It was around the years when the first Salesian missionaries were being sent to South America , when Don Bosco received the request from Mother Mathilde. However, the idea that in parts of the globe far away from Valdocco at that time, Don Bosco and his works were already known across the world, was highlighted. It was interesting to realise that the Catholic community in Japan that longed for the presence of the Salesians, is now more than ever embodied in the zealous presence of the Salesians in Japanese society.
Holy Mass was celebrated by Fr Hamaguchi, together with all the participating confreres. The Holy Mass was also a thanksgiving for jubilarians, namely: Fr Attilio Felicani, SDB (60th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination), Fr Toyokatsu Giovanni Bosco Namiki, SDB (50th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination), Frs Tomohiro Giovanni Kojima, SDB and Naoki Paul Sato, SDB (25th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination), Fr Loro Piana Achille, SDB (60th Anniversary of Religious Profession), and Fr Sobon Tadeusz, SDB (50th Anniversary of Religious Profession). The token of appreciation was handed by Fr Hamaguchi to all the jubilarians after the final blessing.
The confreres were led to the refectory in the Chofu Community for the celebration. An Academy was prepared by the aspirants, postnovices, students of theology, and the brothers. Some confreres also showcased their musical skills and sense of humour. Unifying the confreres’ camaraderie were the musical compositions of Fr Cimatti himself where the refectory was filled with resounding voices singing “Ubi Caritas”, and “Mersis Quides.” The gathering ended with the traditional singing of “Casa di Padre” recalling the memory of our dear father Don Bosco, and how his dreams are being fulfilled by his sons in Japan, and in the different parts of the world.
Cl. Kenji Lorenzo Ruiz Hasegawa, SDB
Japan - Provincial Community Day in Japan 2023
Chofu, Japan - 18 June 2023 –The Province of St Francis Xavier (Japan) held its annual celebration of the Provincial Community Day On Fathers’ Day . The event recalled the father and teacher of youth, whose charism binds the confreres in a common gaze of admiration for his fatherliness that becomes an enlightening manifestation on the path of the ‘grace of unity’ as his sons. It was also an occasion to give thanks as an entire provincial community for the service rendered by Fr Jacob Hamaguchi, SDB, in leading the province towards its mission in which each Salesian has professed to faithfully live the mission as a community in accordance with the way of the Gospel.
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