Venezuela – Solemnity of Pentecost in St Luke Province
Caracas, Venezuela – May 2023 - From the afternoon of Saturday, 27 May until the morning of 28 May, the solemnity of Pentecost, one of the most important celebrations of the liturgical year was celebrated with great devotion throughout Salesian Venezuela. The artistic manifestations accompanied the vigils celebrated to invoke the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In the same way, among songs, dances and prayers, the participants in each vigil learned a little more about the seven gifts that the Spirit bestows – wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and the fear of the Lord – and about the fruits that come from them.
- Venezuela – 1400 leaders e 7250 young people take part in the Holidays Oratory Programme of St Luke's Salesian Province
- Venezuela – Fidelity Day 2023 of the Salesians of the VEN Province
- Venezuela – Priestly ordination of Salesian Jhoan Jaimes Montilla
- Venezuela – Rectors Meeting in the Salesian Province
- Venezuela – More than 150 young people participate in the SYM Leaders National Meeting
- Venezuela – Election of the new International Directorate of the Damas Salesianas Association
- Venezuela – 55th anniversary of the foundation of the Damas Salesianas: women of the Church in the heart of the world and women of the world in the heart of the Church and the Salesian Family
- Venezuela - Feast of Mary Help of Christians in Salesian Province "Saint Luke"
- Venezuela - Meeting of Job Training Centers of Youth and Work Network
- Venezuela - Provincial visit to community of La Smeralda: joy of being and feeling a family walking together
- Venezuela - Retreat of Network of "Don Bosco Houses" and feast of St. Domenico Savio
- Venezuela - Provincial visit to community of Mavaca and apostolic activities with indigenous Yanomami people
- Venezuela - Priestly ordination of Salesian Rafael Guarique
- Venezuela - Pre-assembly of "Damas Salesianas"
- Venezuela - Provincial Fr. Montenegro encourages Salesians of Pius XII in Puerto la Cruz to continue accompanying young people for their own good