Poland - Perpetual Profession of two young Salesians
Krakow, Poland - May 2023 - On Sunday, May 7, at the Salesian Theological Studentate in Krakow, two young Salesians made Perpetual Profession: cleric Paweł Murias from Rzeszów, of the "Divine Providence" parish, who is currently studying at the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) in Rome; and cleric Hung Trung Nguyen, originally from Vietnam. The latter began his journey with the Salesians in Odesa, Ukraine, where he decided to stay as a missionary, and is now studying in Krakow. Both young Salesians made their Perpetual Profession in the hands of Fr. Marcin Kaznowski, Superior of the Salesian Province of Krakow (PLS), in the presence of numerous Salesians and the young people who participated in the XXXI edition of "Savionalia."
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