Slovenia - General Councilor for Missions visits Salesian Province "Saints Cyril and Methodius"
Ljubljana, Slovenia - April 2023 - From April 15-18, 2023, Fr. Alfred Maravilla, General Councilor for Missions, was on an animation visit to Slovenia. The visit's main objective was to evaluate the Europe Project in the Salesian Province "Saints Cyril and Methodius" of Slovenia (SLO), which also includes Montenegro and Serbia, two years after the arrival of the first missionaries. There are currently five young missionaries from four different countries in the Province's houses. Fr. Maravilla met with the Provincial Council and community directors, as well as the missionaries themselves, to evaluate the process followed so far for their initial reception and the steps still to be taken to facilitate their integration into the life and activities of the SLO Province. The Missions Councilor noted with pleasure the Province's great effort to follow the "Europe Project Missionary Reception Plan," providing valuable guides to accompany the young missionaries, as well as the effort to help them learn the language by enrolling them in university and to accompany their gradual integration into the apostolic activities of the Province. During his visit, Fr. Maravilla was accompanied by Fr. Pavel Ženíšek of the Missions Sector, who follows the Europe Project missionaries more directly.
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