Spain - A student of Alcoy Salesians obtains highest award in Vocational Training
Alcoy, Spain - April 2023 - The Extraordinary Vocational Training Awards for middle and high school grades are the official recognition of the merits of students who have brilliantly completed this educational stage. Student Laura Leva Muntó, who attends the "Salesianos Juan XXIII" work in Alcoy, was awarded the Extraordinary Award for Intermediate Vocational Training, in the area of Transportation and Vehicle Maintenance for the 2021-2022 academic year. Laura Leva enrolled in the 2020-2021 academic year to complete the intermediate training cycle in Vehicle Electromechanics. "In addition to showing great interest in the automotive world and distinguishing herself with good grades, she also participated, with great utility, in other activities, such as the Erasmus+ KA229 program, and was part of the group of electromechanics students who designed and built the solar bank structure that is currently located in the courtyards of our center," they explain from the Salesian house. Laura currently works at the "Talleres Midas" chain of workshops, where she is perfecting some processes, while at the same time continuing her studies, having taken a new course in Transportation and Vehicle Maintenance. From the department of electromechanics at "Salesianos Juan XXIII" they say they could not be prouder: "The satisfaction of every teacher is to see how the work and effort of their students are acknowledged and bear fruit," they add.
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