Brazil - Educating and evangelizing in digital environment: provincial social communication meeting of Salesians of Northeast

05 April 2023

Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Brazil - April 2023 - April 1 and 2 were especially intense days for the communication representatives of the various Salesian works in the Northeast region. In fact, on those days, the social communication meeting of the Salesian Province of Brazil-Recife (BRE) was held at the "Colônia Salesiana São Sebastião." On the first day, after an introduction by Fr. João Carlos Ribeiro, Delegate for Social Communication of the BRE Province, a workshop entitled: "How to promote one's brand and improve attractiveness in the digital environment" was held, moderated by Jacqueline Deyse, Digital Business Consultant of the Moura Group. This was followed by a panel discussion on education and evangelization in the digital environment, to which Fr. Antônio João Neto, Fr. João Carlos Ribeiro, Br. Ronyelli Andrade, SDB, Ms. Jocasta Pimentel , and Sacha Santos contributed. The following day, April 2, Fr. Francisco Inácio, BRE Provincial, presided over the Mass on the occasion of Palm Sunday. This was followed by a time of sharing, with the presentation of communication activities of Salesian works, and a time of group work. In the end, after a total of sixteen hours of work, participants received certificates of participation. The meeting once again proved to be a valuable time for learning, sharing and exchanging experiences.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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