India - New priestly ordinations fill Shillong Province with joy
Shillong, India - February 2023 - St. Xavier's Secondary School in Pathaliaghat was filled with joy as four Salesians were ordained to the priesthood last Feb. 18. The celebration was presided over by Fr. Abialstar Kharsohtun and 26 other priests from Tripura and Shillong. Afterward, Fr. John Zosiama, vicar of the "St. John Paul II" Province of Shillong, greeted the many people present and urged everyone to pray and thank God for the gift of these four new priests. At the end of the celebration, a convivial time was organized to celebrate the new priests together. The program included an engaging dance by the school students, songs, and the presentation of flowers and the traditional "Risa Tripuri" garment.
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