Italy - Chapter of Salesian Province Lombardo-Emiliana
Sondrio, Italy - August 2022 - On August 24-27, the first session of the 20th Provincial Chapter of the Salesians of the Lombardo-Emilian Province (ILE) was held. Salesians elected to represent the various houses and provincial realities gathered at the headquarters in Sondrio; members of the Salesian Family linked to local realities were also invited. The first day began with the presentation of the work program, the distribution of assignments and the setting of the work. Then, in the afternoon, the Assembly went on pilgrimage to the Marian shrine of Tirano. In the following days, the capitulars devoted their time alternating between the work of the four commissions and the debate in the assembly hall. Among the themes, suggested by the Preparatory Document, attention to the vocational and evangelizing question emerged. On the morning of Saturday 27, this first working session was concluded. The second and final session is scheduled for the upcoming Christmas vacations. In the months separating the two appointments, the chapter members will be able to continue reflecting on the proposals that have emerged so far in order to arrive at more specific and targeted proposals, which will bring them closer to the drafting of the chapter's final document.
- Italy - 20th Provincial Chapter of Salesian Province of Lombardia-Emilia Italy concluded
- Italy – 125 years of Salesian presence in Sondrio
- Italy - Professions of Salesians of Lombardo Emiliana Province
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- Italy – Closing Diocesan Inquiry for Cause of Beatification and Canonization of Fr. Silvio Galli, SDB
- Italy – Sunday, June 12, 2022: Closing of Diocesan Inquiry of the Cause of Canonization of Fr. Silvio Galli, SDB