Egypt – Preparatory Course of Italian for the students of the Salesian School
Cairo, Egypt – August 2016 – On Friday, August 5th, there was the conclusion of the course of Italian organised for the students who wish to attend the "Don Bosco Salesian Institute" in Rod el Farag, Cairo. The boys enrolled were 330, divided in 12 classes. On the last day, after the final test, educators and students took part in a great treasure hunt.
- Egypt – Volunteer experience of young people in Central Italy
- Egypt - Build your kids' future with Don Bosco
- Italy - Summer solidarity, alternative holidays
- Egypt - Salesians needed more than ever among young Egyptians
- Egypt - Imagine a playground ... a meeting place of cultures and peoples
- Egypt - Higher Education in the Salesian School in Cairo
- Egypt – Sowing the seed in Upper Egypt
- Egypt - A month of solidarity with the Salesians in Cairo