Italy - "Savio Club" at Colle Don Bosco: doing good to all and evil to none
Castelnuovo Don Bosco, Italy - March 2022 - On March 26th and 27th, young people from the first to the third grade gathered at Colle Don Bosco to participate in the Savio Club on the theme "Do good to all and evil to none". The participants reflected, with the help of animators and group leaders, on the importance of donating good around the world, without being discouraged by evil, and on the value of good friends, through the example of the Company of the Immaculate, founded by St. Dominic Savio when he was 12 years old, to give some rules to do good to others with the help of Mary. Thanks to the talks and discussions with peers, prayer together, and especially the moments of play, the children focused on the gift of self and with others, making concrete commitments in view of Easter.