Italy – Available song video "Il Cuore parla al cuore" (The heart speaks to the heart) by Fr Maurizio Palazzo
Turin, Italy - January 2022 - The video of the song "Il Cuore parla al cuore" (The Heart Speaks to the heart), a hymn written and set to music by Fr Maurizio Palazzo, responsible for the musical activities of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, is now available. The song, desired by the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, refers to the Strenna's theme: "Do everything through love, nothing through constraint". The stanzas of the song take up, in order, various characteristics of the profile of St. Francis de Sales: the primacy of love toward God; the sense of trusting abandonment to Providence; the meekness that gives peace, modeled on the Lord's charity; and the courageous zeal of the apostle.
- INNO_Il_Cuore_parla_al_cuore_FINALE_MAURIZIO_ITA_ENG.docx (976 Downloads)
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