Brazil - Salesian receives the Gold Medal of the city of Manaus
Manaus, Brazil - November 2021 - The Salesian Fr José Ivanildo, Parish Priest of the "São José Operário" parish of Manaus, received a Honorary Gold Medal from the city of Manaus on 5 November for services rendered to Amazonian society. The ceremony, held in the Municipal Chamber of Manaus, was attended by Fr Felipe Bauziére, Vice Provincial of the Salesian Province of Brazil-Manaus (BMA), Dernival Martins, Provincial Economer, and other authorities. During the ceremony, certificates of honor were also given to some Salesians and to people associated with the mission. "This gold medal is not mine alone. It belongs to all those who are part of my life here in the Amazon ... Every time I look at this medal I will remember that it is made up of people, memories, hearts and a lot of love I have for each of you and the love I receive," said Fr Ivanildo.
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