Nicaragua - Don Bosco Youth Center inaugurates a new self-propelled mechanics laboratory Managua
Nicaragua - July 2021 - The Educational Community of the "Don Bosco Youth Center" of Managua, as part of its 65 years of foundation, officially inaugurated the "Roswita Maus" mechanics workshop. The new workshop has machinery, tools and specialized equipment for training children in the various modules that make up the Car Mechanic course. The project was financed by the German NGO "Don Bosco Mondo", which for several years has supported the educational work of the Salesians in Managua, and is dedicated to the memory of Roswita Maus, who passed away last year, a central figure and for some time responsible for the NGO's projects.
- Nicaragua - The Salesians present in Granada for 110 years
- El Salvador – Jubilee Year: 125 years of Salesian presence in Central America
- Germany – Farewell to Hans-Jürgen Dörrich: a lighthouse ends his service
- El Salvador – Project of a new church at "Don Bosco Industrial Park"
- Panama - "Faith and Hope Project" presented to Minister of Education of Panama
- Guatemala - National Meeting of Aspiring Salesian Cooperators
- Nicaragua - First national meeting of oratory animators
- Honduras - A project in favor of young people launched
- Panama - Provincial of Central America visits Don Bosco Technical Institute
- El Salvador – UDB inaugurates new facilities to improve physical rehabilitation courses and enhance research
- Honduras – Episcopal ordination of Msgr. Guillén Soto, SDB
- Honduras - Parish mission on theme: "Moved by hope: 'See, I am making all things new' (Rev 21,5)"