RMG - Annual meeting of Youth Ministry Delegates of East Asia-Oceania Region
Rome, RMG - November 2020 - The annual meeting of the Youth Ministry delegates of the East Asia-Oceania Region was held on the Zoom platform from 10 to 13 November with 16 participants. Fr Miguel Ángel Garcia, General Councilor for Youth Ministry, and Fr Patrick Anthonyraj, from the YM team, animated the session. Fr Joseph Nguyen Thinh Phuoc, Councilor for the East Asia-Oceania Region, also took part in the last three days of the meeting. Through presentations, group work, surveys and sharing, the main themes of the meeting were discussed. The second phase was set for February 22-23, 2021. The proposal to initiate coordination of the Salesian Youth Movement in the Region was welcomed and accepted.
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