Ecuador - “Luz de fraterninad”, a song to make Salesian solidarity visible
Ecuador - November 2020 - After a month of hard work, on 6 November the song "Luz de fraterninad" was officially launched, a project of the Salesian Province of Ecuador (ECU), coordinated by the Communication Office, to make visible the various solidarity initiatives undertaken by the Salesian Family during the pandemic. Through music and dance, essential elements of the Salesian charism, the song intends to promote the spirit of solidarity and to join forces in the face of the economic crisis that resulted from the pandemic. The project saw the participation of Tatiana Pesántez, teacher of the "Unidad Educativa Técnico Salesiano" of Cuenca, author of the lyrics, and of Byron Benítez, teacher of the "Unidad Educativa Técnico Don Bosco", of La Kennedy (Quito), who produced the music, with a large group of young people from the Salesian community of La Kennedy contributing with their voices and choreographies. Fr Francisco Sánchez, ECU Provincial, is among the singers.
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