Brazil - "Give your heart: help the hungry": solidarity campaign of Salesians of Lorena
Lorena, Brazil - May 2020 - Inspired by the emergency action promoted by the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil, on May 30th the Salesians, together with the young people and the Youth Sector of Lorena, promoted a social action in front of the headquarters of the UNISAL. The young people of the group "Líderes 4.0", seeing many people in need, many of whom lacking food, decided to organize a day of food collection entitled "Donate your heart: help those who are hungry". The campaign, which involved children, young people and adults, was very successful, collecting around half a tonne of food for families in need, who will also receive support from social workers.
- Brazil – Brazil Salesian Network promotes "Networking against hunger" campaign
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- Brazil - Salesian National Mission