Argentina - Distribution of meals for Villa Itatí families
Buenos Aires, Argentina - May 2020 - Villa Itatí (locality of Don Bosco, Buenos Aires) is a neighborhood where many very poor and vulnerable families live, with deficiencies of all kinds. After the first cases of COVID-19 in the neighborhood, the operation of opening drinking water taps was accelerated and an Emergency Health Committee was formed with the social and religious organizations in the neighborhood, including the Salesians, to help with various actions. For example, at the "Hermana María Luisa" youth center, run by Franciscan nuns, Salesians, and a large group of volunteers, meals are cooked and distributed daily; the so-called "people's pots" have multiplied, which arise from the generosity of families who help their neighbors with a hot meal. These initiatives have generated gestures and reflections of solidarity and charity with anonymous donations and companies, the support of local merchants with food and hygiene.
- Argentina – Joy of giving (and giving oneself) more and better
- Argentina – With the heart of Jesus and the face of Mary: "The pandemic has taught us to value more what we have to give to others"
- Argentina – Ariel Fresia, SDB: "Even if disturbing, the future will be more interesting"
- Argentina – Queues of over two blocks to collect food from refectory: "People are grateful, but very sad"
- Argentina - Taking care of those who take care of us: visors for medical centers
- Argentina – Retreat house of “Don Bosco” school in Ramos Mejía, now an isolation center for elderly