How did the passion to write this book arise?
The book was born of a previous research, which allowed me to study the acts of Don Bosco's process of canonization, and the awareness that to the importance of this phenomenon a proportionate study of the theme does not correspond.
What did dreams represent in the path of Don Bosco?
As Fr Pietro Stella, SDB, authoritatively affirmed: "The dreams [of Don Bosco] founded convictions and supported enterprises. Without them, we would not be able to explain some characteristic features of the religiosity of Don Bosco and of the Salesians."
Have there been dreams that are more decisive than others? If so, which ones?
Salesian tradition has been able to identify the most decisive. First of all those relating to the spiritual itinerary of Don Bosco, from the dream of his nine years onwards. Then those relating to the birth of the Congregation and the profile of the Salesian, from the dream of the rose pergola up to those of the missionaries. Finally dreams that transmit important educational messages.
What is the dream that contains deeper meaning?
Undoubtedly Don Bosco has attributed to the dream of the nine years a very special meaning. He saw it as a leitmotif of his existence, accompanied by the prophetic words: "in your time you will understand everything."
What were the difficulties in studying more profoundly these issues?
Some difficulties derive from the documentation that transmitted the dreams of Don Bosco, other difficulties are of a theoretical nature. First of all: what is a dream? What intention lies therein? What reliability do you give them? Can it be the place of a divine Word? ...
Briefly describe the book.
The book contains 19 essays that address the topic, present the study of some specific dreams and recurring themes in the dream world of Don Bosco, and examine the use the Saint of the Youth made of the story of dreams for the transmission of important spiritual messages.