This dictionary has been published under the auspices of the East Asia-Oceania Region. It has been compiled over a long period of time covering two Workshops held by translators from the East Asia-Oceania Salesian region, one in 2014 the other in 2019. The Salesian Dictionary is a comprehensive effort to compile a list of terms in current (and sometimes in historical) use in Salesian discourse in English. Perhaps 98% of these terms have originated in Italian, some in the Piedmontese dialect, the vernacular of the founding Father and most of his first followers. But as Don Bosco’s charism became established outside of Italy, it was inevitable that new terms would arise with their origins in other languages.

The Little People, in the Gospels, are often anonymous. Unlike the authorities and disciples, they cannot be considered a group character, because they are not connected to each other. but their role is important and memorable, and impacts strongly on the reader.

Fr Henry Bonetti's extensive work, a series of Salesian meditations on the Lord’s Prayer, a spiritual journey which is the result of a lengthy period of research and prayer, is available for the “exclusive use of the Salesians of Don Bosco”. SICUT, as the work is called, aims at helping the Salesians to “build the Oratory in their heart” especially through meditation.

Children with learning disabilities are said to have an ‘invisible challenge’. Though they are like other children in most respects, they struggle to read, write or do simple arithmetic calculations; and often do not fare well academically. They can be misunderstood, labelled as being ‘laid-back’ and difficult; and may develop emotional problems. However, if identified and helped at an early age, in time, they will shine.

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ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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