This book highlights the cogency and urgency of the protection of indigenous peoples and discusses crucial aspects of the international legal theory and practice relating to their rights. These rights are not established by states; rather, they are inherent to indigenous peoples because of their human dignity, historical continuity, cultural distinctiveness, and connection to the lands where they have lived from time immemorial. Given the sensitivity of the Salesian Congregation to human rights and the attention that the whole Church is dedicating to the needs of indigenous peoples, it can certainly be a useful reading for an in-depth examination of these issues.

The Salesian of Don Bosco Publications Malta have published the English translation of the French Salesian Father Jean Marie Petitclerc on “Don Bosco’s Pedagogy through an exposition of 12 key words”. Based on his reflection, Fr. Jean Marie Petitclerc, shares with us thirty years of experiences with young people in difficulty. Rooted in this practice-based evidence, backed up with theoretical sources, his deliberations focus on twelve essential keywords, inspired by Don Bosco, the educator from Turin.

The Cross on the Roof

A comprehensive origin and history of the Catholic Church in Tibet and Nepal titled ‘The Cross on the Roof’ by Fr. George Thirumalachalil sdb is published. It’s the story of expeditions of missionaries’ attempt from the eighteenth century to take the Gospel to Tibet, the stronghold of Buddhism and to Nepal, the only Hindu Kingdom in the world.

Not only for the provinces of China, Indonesia (St. Louis Versiglia) and East Timor (St. Callisto Caravario) - but for the whole Salesian Congregation, this year is a good opportunity to treasure the memory of our first two martyrs - St Louis Versiglia and St Callisto Caravario - 90 years after their death in China and 20 years after their canonization at the Vatican. Because the martyrs' memory lifts the missionary spirit!

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ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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