New Rochelle, United States – March 2016 - Over the March 11-13 weekend, six Salesian Lay Missioner candidates from as many U.S. states visited Salesian Missions and the provincial house in New Rochelle as part of the process of discerning whether they might become SLMs later this year. Their weekend included presentations on Don Bosco and the Salesians, how to discern, the Salesian oratory criteria, and the Salesian Lay Missioner program itself. A panel of returned SLMs discussed mission with them. They visited four Salesian works in New Rochelle and took part in prayer and meals at each site. A second discernment weekend for additional SLM candidates is planned in May. Those who are accepted into the SLM program will undertake three weeks of orientation in late July and August and be commissioned at the end of a retreat.
Lisbon, Portugal - March 6, 2016 - On March 6, 2750 people from all over the country participated in the first Corrida Salesianos, a non-competitive walking race organized by the Salesian Foundation. The aim of the event is to support the social projects of the Salesians in Portugal and draw attention to the right to freedom of choice of school.
Maputo, Mozambique - March 2016 - On 11 March Mother Yvonne Reungoat, Superior General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, arrived in Mozambique for a visit which will end on 1 April. Mother Reungoat was welcomed by the FMA and SDB Superiors of Mozambique, Sister Zvonka Mikec and Fr Marco Biaggi. Also present were FMA and SDB missionaries from the various Salesian works, as well as students from the schools and lay collaborators.
Guwahati, India - March 2016 - On 11 March Fr Thomas Vattathara, Provincial of Guwahati, blessed the new Stations of the Cross at the Shrine of Don Bosco of Gojapara. The ceremony was attended by thousands of the faithful.
Mexico City, Mexico - March 2016 – The 2016 Inter-Salesian High School Games took place from 2 to 5 March.
Macas, Ecuador - February 2016 - A meeting of the National Council of the Salesian Youth Movement was held from 26 to 28 February. The aim of the meeting was to review and continue planning for 2016 and plan for the next National SYM Congress which will take place in August. The meeting was led by Fr Vladimir Acosta, Delegate for Youth Ministry and his team, in the presence of Fr Jorge Molina, Provincial in Ecuador.