Italy - Christmas concert at Salesian Pontifical University
Rome, Italy - December 2019 - On December 18, at the church of the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS), the traditional Christmas Concert was held organized by the University Choir, with the participation of the Accademia degli Ostinati Orchestra, conducted by the Maestro Robert Andorka, the soprano Teresa Paz Román, the organist Filippo Sanjust and the choir pianist Leisbert A. Moreno Guillén. The concert, which saw a large participation of students, teachers and families, was also attended by the Ambassador of Slovenia Jakob Štunf, the Slovenian Ambassador emeritus, dr. Ivan Rebernik, a representative of the Embassy of Timor Leste, and dr. Massimo Gattamelata, emeritus Secretary General of the Vatican Foundation "Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice".