Germany - Provincial Chapter of Salesians of Germany
Benediktbeuern, Germany - June 2019 - Last week at the Benediktbeuern monastery the Provincial Chapter of the Salesian Province of Germany (GER) took place, which also includes the presence of Istanbul, Turkey, on the theme “What Salesians for today's?”. The event was chaired by Fr Reinhard Gesing, GER Provincial, and entrusted to the regulator Fr Meinolf von Spee. In the five days the capitulars - and for two days also the leaders of the Salesian houses and the representatives of the Salesian Family - intensively dealt with the current situation and the future of young people in Germany; perspectives and challenges of meeting young people in the digital world; environmental protection and sustainability; the current state of religious works in Germany; of the work of the GER Province and the identity of the works and communities. The Salesian brother Mike Goldsmits and Fr Hatto von Hatzfeld were elected delegates of the General Chapter 28.