The representatives of the various groups began the day with the celebration of Mass presided by the 10th Successor of Don Bosco and the homily preached by the World Delegate for the Salesian Family, Fr Eusebio Muñoz. Mother Graziella Benghini, Superior of the Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the introduction to the Eucharist, observed that "the Salesian Family was born in this Chapel: the Pinardi Chapel, and this invites us to be like Don Bosco, humble and docile to the voice of God."
"The Word illuminates our life when we let God speak," then added Fr Muñoz in his homily. "We must learn to listen to His message, and in these days we have talked about the young and the work among them. But we must ask ourselves: what are we doing for the young?"
In the first part of the morning, Fr Silvio Roggia, from the Dicastery of Formation, continued work on the theme of spiritual accompaniment. Some groups presented their experiences in listening and accompanying. The first group was "Cancão Nova", who described the accompaniment carried out at different stages of life. Sr. Paola Casalis, FMA, then went on to present the experience of her Institute in listening to and accompanying problematic young people. The third group to intervene was the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA), which showed how the association performs spiritual accompaniment to people of different ages. And finally, there was the presentation of a Salesian from Nigeria on accompaniment in the different ethnic groups of his country. In this way, reflection ended on: "How to grow as a Salesian Family in listening and accompanying."
"We wanted each group to have a time to be known by all the participants of the World Consultive Body", explained Fr Muñoz. In this 2018 World Consultive Body, five groups were presented: Volunteers of Don Bosco (VDB), the Association of Salesian Cooperators (SSCC), the Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians (MSMHC), the Witnesses of the Risen Lord (TR) and the Association of Damas Salesianas (ADS). Each group was able to present their work, experience, growth and development of its institution.
The evening ended with a visit to the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, led by the Rector, Fr. Cristian Besso.