by Fr Marcelo Farfán,
IUS General Coordinator
In his address, the Rector Major highlighted some key aspects for IUS animation and governance: excellence in service, but without inertia, or elitism; quality of the educational-pastoral proposal, thanks to an affective and effective presence of the Salesians; fostering a sense of Provincial belonging and a significant contribution to each Province's Organic Project (POI); guarantee of the Salesian identity in the managerial staff and among teachers; and, finally, ensure that in IUS guidelines and informational reports access to higher education by poor young people is highlighted and a matter of priority.
The meeting offered the opportunity for an overview of the processes and activities the IUS undertake in each of the continents and regions. It also allowed to advance the path of IUS identity in a key area: the study and approval of the document "Guidelines for Youth Ministry in the IUS", which from now on (2018-2020) enters an application phase in all the centers.
The IUS Board of Directors also focused on the planning and design of the Course for IUS Executives, expected to start this year in Latin America. Furthermore, the need to improve the management of the web portal ( was confirmed and it was decided to produce and publish a book that contributes to reflection on Salesian charism and on higher education.
Finally, the meeting contributed to evaluate the need to closely accompany the path that this new and important sector of the Salesian mission has been carrying out for two decades.