The event, scheduled to last until Friday 20 May, will bring together in Rome the Superiors of the Provinces of Austria (AUS), North Belgium (BEN), France-Belgium South (FRB), Great Britain (GBR), Germany (GER) Ireland (IRL) and the Delegation of Malta, together with members of their provincial councils and the people in charge of sectors of particular importance in the Salesian region. In total, 55 Salesians are expected.
The Regional Councillor, the Vicar of the Rector Major, the Councillors of the different Sectors and the Delegate of the Rector Major for the Salesian Family will guide the various working sessions from time to time. At the end, the Rector Major will have the task of bringing together the threads of each day and of the whole meeting in a concise synthesis and programme.
There will, as usual, be moments of fraternity, cultural sharing, and spirituality.