Italy - CG29: Listening, Expression, and Unified Vision for the Salesian Future

14 March 2025

(ANS – Turin) – On Thursday, March 13, the participants of the 29th General Chapter (CG29) were engaged in two fundamental tasks: listening and expression. On the one hand, they devoted patient attention to the reports of the six Commissions, which drafted a detailed text on the topics of Core Theme 1; on the other hand, they reviewed the progress made so far, allowing everyone to recognize themselves in the process through the approval of minutes and deliberations.

To this commitment was added the need to intensify the exchange of ideas, even during informal moments, to clarify their own thoughts and better understand those of others. The Chapter, in fact, can be compared to a large workshop, where the three "production lines" (i.e., the core themes) intertwine while maintaining their own specificity in terms of content and weight. This requires the capitulars to demonstrate considerable mental flexibility and resilience: they must keep the "technical designs" and the "pieces" to be assembled distinct, without losing sight of the unified and coherent vision that will transform these reflections into the "finished product."

A Strengthened Vision for the General Council

A central aspect of the day's work was the consolidation of the vision of the General Council, ensuring that it adequately represents the Sectors and Regions. The goal of closer coordination was outlined, aimed at more recognizable and unified action, along with enhancing the planning capacity of this body.

At the same time, the essential traits to be recognized in confreres called to roles of responsibility, both globally and within the provinces, were reaffirmed. These confirmations were enriched with important nuances, in line with the directions that CG29 is charting for the next six-year period.

Centrality of Christ and Fidelity to the Vocation

The Commissions and their rapporteurs presented texts on two key topics: the centrality of Christ and the care of vocations, and listening, interpretation, and choices for the lives of Salesians. These reflections offered a frank and in-depth assessment of the spiritual, psychological, and organizational state of Salesian communities.

There was no hesitation in highlighting personal and structural limitations, and the convergence of observations emerging from different groups attests to the credibility and, at times, the severity of the analyses. The objective is clear: today's Salesian must reaffirm fidelity to his vocation, moving from ideals and abstractions to inner authenticity and practical concreteness.

This means reexamining the methods and practices of community life, which must be envisioned as families capable of listening to and understanding the difficulties of each confrere and together addressing the inevitable recurring crises. Salesians, immersed in the contemporary world, are influenced by it and constantly questioned, often even "provoked," by its challenges.

The set of documents produced so far, now an integral part of CG29's legacy, allows for redefining the direction of the path to be taken. This path must authentically serve the human and Christian growth of every confrere, fostering lifelong formation in a climate of authenticity and joy.

On the horizon, the image of the oratory emerges as a paradigm of a fraternal and welcoming relationship. A place where every person can be listened to and supported, where the creativity necessary to respond to the needs of the heart and available resources can be developed. The oratory, in fact, represents a model capable of fostering youth gatherings and education, evangelical witness to the poor, and the construction of peace.

The 29th General Chapter continues its work with determination, striving to translate these reflections into concrete guidelines for the future of the Salesian mission. The challenges are great, but so is also the hope of building more authentic communities, faithful to their calling, and capable of responding coherently to the needs of our time.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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