Spain - The Youth Ministry of the St James the Greater Province explores the relationship between today's young people and the Christian faith
Madrid, Spain - With the first stages of 2025 and in the context of the month of Don Bosco, the Assembly of the General Coordinators of Youth Ministryin the St James the Greater Province (SSM) took place digitally. After the opening prayer, Fr Jesús Rojano, professor at the Higher Institute of Pastoral Care in Madrid, as well as at the Theological Institute of Religious Life and the Don Bosco CES (Madrid), presented his reflection as the first announcement on "today's young people and the Christian faith", in the light of the Seminar organised in Madrid by the Mediterranean Region from 11 to 13 October 2024. Starting from the text of his presentation, Rojano dissected the sociological reality of youth and then presented the current ecclesial and Salesian context. At the end of his reflection, he gave up to eight suggestions for youth ministry, in the light of which he formulated some questions for group work and a discussion in the assembly. Then, involving some Provincial Coordinators — Fr Óscar Bartolomé, Farruco Rodríguez and Fr José Carlos Sobejano — extensive information was offered on the pastoral environments and areas, as well as on the current situation of Youth Ministry and its forecasts for the coming months. The Delegate for Youth Ministry, Fr Xabier Camino, shared some ideas taken from the Rector Major's letter after last year's Extraordinary Visitation, thanking all the members of the Assembly for their service and commitment.