On the early morning of 14 December they boarded ship for Syros. Upon arrival at the port of Ermoupolis, capital of the island of Syros, Bishop Petros Stephanou, was waiting for them, ready to welcome them. In the late afternoon the Bishop presided at Mass in the parish church at Pagos, and introduced the Salesians to the parish community. It is planned that the Salesians will manage the Pagos parish, open an oratory and possibly take care of the Youth Ministry in the diocese
In the evening the Bishop gathered the priests who work in Syros and introduced the Salesians to them. The next day, 15 December, Sunday, after the parish Mass Fr Maravilla and the four Salesians who will be sent to Syros met with the bishop in the curia to discuss and finalise some details relating to the new Salesian presence, which will be written in the memorandum of understanding and in any agreement to be signed before the arrival of the Salesians.
During the visit, Fr Maravilla also gathered the four Salesian pioneers to reflect together on the opportunities and possible challenges of the new presence. The visit is another small step towards the new Salesian presence in Greece.
In the morning of 16 December, the General Councillor for the Missions presided at the Eucharist, concelebrated with the four Salesians. During the homily, he stressed that "being pioneers is a great honour, but even more it is a great responsibility, because it requires a greater creative fidelity from each one to the charism of Don Bosco, so that it can become relevant in the new context of Greece, where Catholics are a minority in a country with an Orthodox majority. On 6 October we planted a mustard seed in new soil. We must ensure that this seed grows and takes root in Greek soil, so that it can bear abundant fruit." And to make this happen, Fr Maravilla gave concrete recommendations to the Salesians.
In the afternoon of 16 December the Salesians returned to Athens to continue their study of modern Greek, but now more aware of what awaits them in Syros from September 2025.