Belgium – Three things to know about the Don Bosco Farnières Centre, which is reinventing its future

15 July 2024

(ANS – Vielsalm) – An exciting project is taking shape in Farnières, a 40-hectare estate near Vielsalm, Belgium. The “Don Bosco Aujourd'hui”. website speaks about it.

Don Bosco Farnières, what is it and where is it?

It is a spiritual centre for young people and families and the main place of welcome for the Salesian Family of Don Bosco in French-speaking Belgium. Every year it welcomes hundreds of young people and adults for retreats and special events. Two communities of Salesians and FMA live here, right in the heart of the Belgian Ardennes, between Liège and Luxembourg.

A reflection carried out over two years

At the request of the Salesian France-Belgium South Province, two years ago a group of religious and lay people began to consider the possibility of building a community of Salesian life at the service of the Christian spiritual life of the area.

Accommodation is available on site and the Diocese of Namur has offered a place as a parish assistant, as part of a mission carried out in collaboration with the parish itself.

An appeal is launched

An appeal is therefore launched, in order to be able to adhere to the project of the Salesian Farnières community. The appeal is addressed to anyone who is passionate about the spirituality and pedagogy of St John Bosco, to those who want to guide others through play, to those who have a sense of relationship and are naturally joyful, to those who want to make their time and abilities available. "If you have the desire to live these values and to live them with others, in the service of an exciting project" the article reads "the project of the Salesian Farnières community is for you, for your couple, for your family..."

In the evocative setting of the Farnières estate in the heart of the Belgian Ardennes, this invitation to contribute to the Christian life of the Don Bosco Farnières Centre was born.

The opportunities offered are many: welcoming and accompanying groups of children, young people and adults, being involved in the preparation of celebrations and moments of prayer, helping guide pastoral unity in Vielsalm and much more.

For more information, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit  the website at the following link.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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