Rwanda – Don Bosco centre in Muhazi relaunches musical training

13 June 2024

(ANS – Muhazi) – The varied and multifaceted Salesian presence in the St Charles Lwanga Vice-Province of Africa Great Lakes (AGL) locates social action in favour of young people in Rwanda. The Salesians in this country carry out various works and activities and in one of their centres, Muhazi, they decided to follow the famous saying of Don Bosco "an oratory without music is like a body without a soul" by relaunching the musical training of their students.

Today's Rwanda is a nation reborn after the 1994 Tutsi genocide. And to avoid repetition of similar tragedies, the authorities have been committed for years to building a country with a strong national spirit and economically prosperous, so as to overcome ethnic tensions and generate widespread well-being.

The Salesians, who arrived in the country in 1953, work with similar aims: although the first objective continues to be the education and evangelisation of young people, the formation of a correct socio-political conscience and social and development commitment. These are an integral part of their daily activity.

The Salesians continue to support the most fragile children and young people through their presences, 6 throughout the country, all aimed at guaranteeing a future for the weakest sections of the population. Among all the Salesian works, Don Bosco Muhazi has a special place, about 70 kilometres from the capital.

The Salesians began their work in Muhazi starting with literacy, teaching reading and writing. Then they opened vocational training courses: short ones focused on the development of skills to be used quickly in the world of work, aimed at young people in very fragile conditions.

The direct result of poverty and other family problems is associated with a range of emotional and behavioural problems in adolescence and adulthood. The Salesians join various professional training programs to protect against all forms of violence and trauma rehabilitation through collective interviews, meetings on gender issues, modern and traditional music clubs.

“Music has a strong power to bring people together and to create good relationships and a positive sense of belonging. It can act very preventively on conflicts and clashes. Don Bosco was already aware of this, that in his first oratory in Valdocco he had established a musical band", said the Salesians at the work.

Aware of all this, they plan to establish a music workshop right now. To do this, they will have to purchase several musical instruments (a bass, two electric guitars, a pianola...) and modest electrical gear (an amplifier, two microphones, two monitors...).

Although it may seem a very simple project, with this initiative the Salesians in Muhazi intend to relaunch their offer for the most needy young people and promote their integral education.

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ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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