Venezuela – "Civil Association for Youth and Work": 30 years of formation for work

03 May 2024

(ANS – Caracas) – For 30 years, the Asociación Civil Juventud y Trabajo (Civil Association for Youth and Work) has played a fundamental role in the formation and support of young Venezuelans. Founded by the Salesians of Don Bosco, this organisation was a beacon of hope in a context of growing school dropout and violence in the country.

The mission of the association is clear and is typically Salesian: to transform lives through vocational training, education and full support for young people. Over its three decades of activity, the association has made significant progress in several areas.

On-the-job training:

Through technical and vocational training programmes, the organisation has enabled thousands of young people to find decent employment or start their own businesses.

Violence prevention:

In a context marked by widespread violence, the association works tirelessly to reduce youth violence, through workshops, conferences and activities. It thus promotes values such as peace, tolerance and respect among all.

Integral Education:

With an authentically Salesian approach, in addition to focusing on work skills, the organisation also deals with the integral education of young people. This includes emotional and affective, social and spiritual aspects.

Network of centres:

The Asociación Civil Juventud y Trabajo network of  formation centres extends throughout the country, reaching urban and rural communities, and providing young people with safe centres where they can learn, grow and dream.

Despite the challenges that Venezuela faces, the Asociación Civil Juventud y Trabajo remains firm in its mission and celebrates with great joy its 30thanniversary of commitment to young people. With the support of Salesians and the collaboration of civil society, it continues to be a beacon of hope for generations to come.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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