Romania – Fr Maravilla on a Mission Animation Visit to the country: "The establishment of a Delegation is a sign of hope for the future of our presences"

25 March 2024

(ANS – Baçau) – Fr Alfred Maravilla, General Councillor for the Missions, was on a Mission Animation Visit to Romania from Tuesday 19 to Saturday 23 March 2024. The visit was planned above all so that Fr Maravilla could meet the two young missionaries sent to Romania last September, as part of the 154th Salesian Missionary Expedition – Soosai Arputharaj, an Indian from the Province of Chennai, and John Baptist Nguyen Viet Duc, a Vietnamese, both still in formation. During his visit, the General Councillor wanted to evaluate their initial welcome and their inclusion in this new context with them and with the community in Baçau but also also to work out future prospects of the Salesian mission in that country, based on this.

In addition to the regular daily Romanian language lesson, the two missionaries recognise the care of their confreres in learning Romanian and the culture. Fr Maravilla pointed out that "this initial positive reception is a very important step for the missionary project for Romania presented to the Rector Major. This effective accompaniment opens the possibility of sending other missionaries in the future."

 Visiting the two Salesian communities of Baçau and Constanța, the General Councillor for the Missions also took the opportunity to discuss with the confreres the possibility of establishing a Provincial Delegation of Romania and Moldova, which is in the final preparation phase in the Province to which the two works already currently belong, namely North East Italy (INE).

"The creation of a Provincial Delegation, contemplated by article 159 of the Constitutions, indicates the hope for the future of our presences" he stressed. "It is aimed at ensuring adequate accompaniment of our presences. But this also implies the commitment of the confreres of the Delegation to drawa up a shared overall perspective and then decide on the strategic options for the growth and development of our presence in Romania and Moldova", Fr Maravilla explained in conclusion.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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