Ecuador – The Salesian Polytechnic University awards a posthumous honorary doctorate to Fr Siro Pellizzaro, SDB

22 March 2024

(ANS – Quito) – As part of the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the Salesian presence in Macas and for the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Salesian Polytechnic University (UPS) in Ecuador, the late Salesian Fr Siro Maria Pellizzaro (1933-2019) was awarded an Honorary Doctorate for his contribution to the development of Macas and the country, as posthumous recognition of his missionary and scientific-cultural work.

Fr Pellizzaro, an Italian originally from Treviso, was part of a generation of Salesians who, having become missionaries, became aware of the importance of knowledge, preservation and transmission of indigenous languages and cultures. His work has allowed us to understand that mythology is something of the simple collection of stories and myths, since it contains the most important aspects of cultures.

In his 62 years of uninterrupted research, he forged a vast multidisciplinary scientific production. His first works were the Shuar Anthropographic Map and Mitos y Leyendas de la Nación Shuar (Myths and Legends of the Shuar Nation). His last publication, posthumously, (2023) was the Spanish Shuar encyclopedic dictionary in two volumes, published by the UPS and the Abya-Yala Center.  

Fr Pellizzaro published more than 70 texts related to linguistics and grammar, mythology and Shuar poetry, as well as ethnography, missiology among indigenous and pastoral populations. The vitality of his work was built by resorting to collective reflection, to his great discipline, to the high quality of the academic dimension, to the direct presence among the peoples studied and pastorally accompanied; on closer inspection, all traits typical of the long Salesian tradition of research and writing.

In addition, on a purely pastoral and ecclesial level, Fr Pellizzaro in his life was able to forge an inculturated Shuar and Achuar church where he gave priority to the formation of community leaders in harmony with the mission and Christian theology.

This post-mortem recognition in the Doctoral degree for Fr Pellizzaro was unanimously approved by the Superior Council of the UPS in Quito on 22 February 2024. It is one of the highest honours ever awarded to those who have dedicated their lives to study and have helped to define an educational style appreciated by all for his closeness and the prominence he assigned to young people and for his commitment to society.  

Before Fr Pellizzaro, similar awards had been assigned to other illustrious scholars and academics, such as Salesians Fr Fernando Peraza (1927-2013), Fr Julio Perelló (1926-2015), Fr Giovanni Botasso (1936-2019) and the Carmelite Archbishop Luis Alberto Luna Tobar, Archbishop Emeritus of Cuenca (1923-2017).

Fr Pellizzaro's doctorate was accepted by Fr Marcelo Farfán, Superior of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Province of Ecuador.

Fernanda Vasco

Salesian Office of Communication


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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